If someone wished to shift currencies in the past, they had to first convert their currencies into US dollars, and […]
The US dollar is used in more than 80% of FX transactions. This is because the US dollar is the […]
You can profit from the interest rate differential as well as price appreciation by selling currencies whose country has a […]
While the euro and yen crosses are the most liquid, there are other currency crosses that do not contain the […]
Trading forex based on fundamentals involves analyzing economic, financial, and political data to predict the future movements of a currency […]
Institutional forex traders may be unable to trade certain currency crosses because they trade in such high volumes that there […]
The euro and yen are the most traded currencies after the US dollar. Similarly to the US dollar, the euro […]
Even if you never wish to trade currency crosses and only trade the majors, crosses can help you make better […]
Even if you never wish to trade currency crosses and only trade the majors, crosses can help you make better […]